
Breathing Space

Breathing Space

It's so much easier to point the fingers at others.I know I've done it...and just maybe you may have as well.Facing ourselves, our issues, taking responsibility for our healing is hard yakka. It's not for the faint hearted....its for those who truly want change...and those thirsty for real progress.I've seen the results of doing hard inner work and that's why I created BREATHING SPACE....its…
Hands & Heart - Protect and nourish your hands

Hands & Heart - Protect and nourish your hands

How are your hands feeling? We've all been washing and sanitizing for a couple of weeks now. Here are my 3 tips on how to keep your hands soft and smooth when you're constantly washing them. Use good sanitiser sparingly. Sanitiser is great when you need to sanitise your hands when on the go. When you get home, give your hands a thorough wash with good old fashioned soap and water. Try not to…
​Parenting in a Pandemic – Be the calm!

​Parenting in a Pandemic – Be the calm!

We cannot hide the fact that this is a challenging time for us all. How we respond to stress has never been more important - not only for our health but also our children.We model behaviour for them. We model how to respond in a crisis. We model how to treat others and ourselves.We can choose to model selfishness or decide to model kindness and decency. We make better decisions when we are calm…
Beat Mental Fatigue

Beat Mental Fatigue

Mental fatigue is exhausting. If you find it hard to concentrate on tasks, have too much on your plate are easily irritable, impatient and are snapping at everything that moves – I would suggest making time to press pause and not do further damage to yourself.Mental exhaustion can be the cause of procrastination, avoidance, perfectionism, indecision and apathy.With everything going on around t…
Massage / body oil is so misunderstood...

Massage / body oil is so misunderstood...

Massage / body oil is so misunderstood.Many people stay away from it cause they don't want to feel greasy. Fair enough. Greasy mineral based oils aren't fun to use and they don't absorb into the skin as well as some natural oils do. I've always stuck by Sweet Almond oil. Its hands down the most versatile and easily absorbed oil that can be effectively used by most skin types.If you have nut all…
Exercise is not a dirty word!

Exercise is not a dirty word!

Exercise is not a dirty word. It has been proven to reduce stress and help with relaxation. Stress comes in many ways. According to Harvard mental symptoms of stress range from worry and irritability to restlessness and insomnia, anger and hostility, or sensations of dread, foreboding, and even panic. Mental stress can result in physical symptoms such as tense muscles, headaches, neck…